Viralnya video tersebut pun dikomentari oleh banyak warganet yang ikut takut melihat video yang beredar.
“Asli muka pengantin perempuan nya kosong njir,mikirin apa ya kira-kira sampe bisa kesurupan gitu,” ucap pengguna TikTok @hendra speed ngabret.
“Serius nanya itu kenapa?” tanya akun @Kelvin Frozen foods.
“Aq kira bpa²nya mau nolongin ekh malah ikut kemasukan” saut akun @Lela Damayanti.
“Itu knp mantennya,” bingung akun @Lia Nur Arnisa.
English Version :
JAKARTA, JAKBAREKSPRES.COM — It went viral on social media which made the hairs on the back of one’s neck rise where a bride suddenly fell into a trance while at the altar.
This action of the bride of course really shocked the family and also the invited guests to see that she was in a trance.
This video of the bride and groom being possessed at the altar went viral by the TikTok account @yuliacitramakeup.
The bride fell into a trance that caused her to continue dancing with her eyes unblinking.
Penulis : Arby Trisanto
Editor : Tsucipto
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